George Krokos Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Treasure From A Rubbish Heap

One day I found some treasure in a rubbish heap
that I thought could be a thing worthwhile to keep.
Although at first it didn't seem to be much at all
because of the simple fact that it was quite small.

Quatrain #488 - The Mystery Of Life......

The mystery of life and being is very deep
and many secrets in its bosom does keep.
These are gradually discovered by someone and revealed
for the benefit of all which otherwise would be concealed.

Quatrain #507 - It Is Said That You Can Choose.....

It is said that you can choose your friends but not your relations
and the reasoning behind this is not really based on speculations.
The former is a situation which we can do something about
but the latter is a relationship we might like to do without.

Quatrain #509 - Once We Fully Overcome....

Once we fully overcome our personal delusion
of knowing who and what we trully are,
we'll realise the reality behind the grand illusion
of That which is everywhere near and far.

Simple Observation #273 - Man Acts Like A Parasite....

Simple Observation #287 - A Business Is Known By.....

Dinner At The Table

The menu looked good but the service and ingredients were lousy
is it any wonder that people were getting up to leave in droves!
Their expectations were shatterred and diminished by one or two
who feigned knowledge of the main course, offerred little solace.

Voice Of The Earth's Dilemma

I am generally poised like the deep and steady ocean calm;
but with whatever happens on the surface I do have a qualm.
There are many ripples and waves that arise and subside
but they are really all signs that there’s life down inside.

Demon Or Human

Are you demon or human my friend?
and how can you say one or the other?
Just because you look like what is taken to be human
doesn’t really explain what is going on inside of you.

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