George Krokos Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Quatrain #367 - It Has Been Said That....

It has been said that ‘the Spirit of God moves in mysterious ways’
and that those whom it touches are blessed throughout their days.
It also makes them say and do many wonderful or miraculous things
which then confirms the saying that ‘Heaven on earth down it brings’.


There is perhaps nothing more that we would rather all do
than to look for and find something that's absolutely new.


You can’t keep on receiving without giving back something in return
and all that we know now is only a small part of what there is to learn.

Quatrain #331 - It Is Said That It's The Early....

It is said that it's the early bird which catches the worm
and that in matters of principle we should all stand firm.
But what if the birds are many and the worms are few,
those principles people adhere to are unjust and untrue?

Simple Observation #180 - The Weight Of An Object Is...

The weight of an object is directly related to its mass
regardless of whatever shape or size that thing has.

Quatrain #532 - In The Hope And Promise Of.....

In the hope and promise of each new day
we all expect some good to come our way.
To turn bad into good is an art we can acquire
and one to which we should all readily aspire.

Simple Observation #266 - The Time Of Christmas Is....

Against The Wind

Unless otherwise stated I am against the wind
and it seems on this view may have to rescind.
For when a strong wind blows without any apparent reason
it makes everything unkempt inspite of the current season.

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