George MacDonald Poems

Hit Title Date Added
General Gordon


Victorious through failure! faithful Lord,
Who for twelve angel legions wouldst not pray

Blind Sorrow

'My life is drear; walking I labour sore;
The heart in me is heavy as a stone;
And of my sorrows this the icy core:


When the snow is on the earth
Birds and waters cease their mirth;
When the sunlight is prevailing
Even the night-winds drop their wailing.

Written On A Stormy Night

O wild and dark! a night hath found me now
Wherein I mingle with that element
Sent madly loose through the wide staring rent

Written For One In Sore Pain

Shepherd, on before thy sheep,
Hear thy lamb that bleats behind!
Scarce the track I stumbling keep!
Through my thin fleece blows the wind!

A Song Prayer

Lord Jesus,
Oh, ease us
Of Self that oppresses,
Annoys and distresses

O Do Not Leave Me

O do not leave me, mother, lest I weep;
Till I forget, be near me in that chair.
The mother's presence leads her down to sleep-

De Profundis

When I am dead unto myself, and let,
O Father, thee live on in me,
Contented to do nought but pay my debt,
And leave the house to thee,

A Lown Nicht

Rose o' my hert,
Open yer leaves to the lampin mune;
Into the curls lat her keek an' dert,
She'll tak the colour but gie ye tune.

Love Is Home

Love is the part, and love is the whole;
Love is the robe, and love is the pall;
Ruler of heart and brain and soul,

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