George MacDonald Poems

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Hom. Il. V. 403

If thou art tempted by a thought of ill,
Crave not too soon for victory, nor deem
Thou art a coward if thy safety seem


If in my arms I bore my child,
Would he cry out for fear
Because the night was dark and wild
And no one else was near?

George Rolleston

Dead art thou? No more dead than was the maid
Over whose couch the saving God did stand-
'She is not dead but sleepeth,' said,

God In Growth

I said, I will arise and work some thing,
Nor be content with growth, but cause to grow
A life around me, clear as yes from no,

Hard Times

I am weary, and very lonely,
And can but think-think.
If there were some water only
That a spirit might drink-drink,

I Ken Something

What gars ye sing sae, birdie,
As gien ye war lord o' the lift?
On breid ye're an unco sma' lairdie,

If I Were A Monk, And If Thou Wert A Nun

If I were a monk, and thou wert a nun,
Pacing it wearily, wearily,
Twixt chapel and cell till day were done-
Wearily, wearily-


'And yet it moves!' Ah, Truth, where wert thou then
When all for thee they racked each piteous limb?
Wert thou in heaven, and busy with thy hymn


Daylight fades away.
Is the Lord at hand
In the shadows gray
Stealing on the land?

From Novalis

Uplifted is the stone
And all mankind arisen!
We are thy very own,
We are no more in prison!

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