George MacDonald Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Greitna, Father

Greitna, father, that I'm gauin,
For fu' well ye ken the gaet;
I' the winter, corn ye're sawin,
I' the hairst again ye hae't.

Autumn Song

Autumn clouds are flying, flying
O'er the waste of blue;
Summer flowers are dying, dying,

I See Thee Not

Yes, Master, when thou comest thou shalt find
A little faith on earth, if I am here!
Thou know'st how oft I turn to thee my mind.


Lord, I have laid my heart upon thy altar
But cannot get the wood to burn;
It hardly flares ere it begins to falter
And to the dark return.

Song Of The Waiting Dead

With us there is no gray fearing,
With us no aching for lack!
For the morn it is always nearing,

A Song In The Night: I Would I Were An Angel Strong,

I would I were an angel strong,
An angel of the sun, hasting along!

I would I were just come awake,

A Sang 'O Zion

Ane by ane they gang awa;
The getherer gethers grit and sma':
Ane by ane maks ane and a'!

A Song-Sermon

Would that thou hid me in the grave
And kept me with death's gaoler-care;
Until thy wrath away should wear

A Father To A Mother

When God's own child came down to earth,
High heaven was very glad;
The angels sang for holy mirth;
Not God himself was sad!

From North Wales: To The Mother

When the summer gave us a longer day,
And the leaves were thickest, I went away:
Like an isle, through dark clouds, of the infinite blue,

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