George MacDonald Poems

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Said And Did

Said the boy as he read, 'I too will be bold,
I will fight for the truth and its glory!'
He went to the playground, and soon had told

Saint Peter

O Peter, wherefore didst thou doubt?
Indeed the spray flew fast about,
But he was there whose walking foot

Second Sight

Rich is the fancy which can double back
All seeming forms, and from cold icicles
Build up high glittering palaces where dwells

Quiet Dead!

Quiet, quiet dead,
Have ye aught to say
From your hidden bed
In the earthy clay?

How Shall He Sing Who Hath No Song?

How shall he sing who hath no song?
He laugh who hath no mirth?
Will cannot wake the sleeping song!
Yea, Love itself in vain may long

Marriage Songs

'They have no more wine!' she said.
But they had enough of bread;
And the vessels by the door
Held for thirst a plenteous store:


The stars are steady abune;
I' the water they flichter and flee;
But, steady aye, luikin doon
They ken theirsels i' the sea.

My Heart Thy Lark

Why dost thou want to sing
When thou hast no song, my heart?
If there be in thee a hidden spring,

Words In The Night

I woke at midnight, and my heart,
My beating heart, said this to me:
Thou seest the moon, how calm and bright!

Within And Without: Part V: A Dramatic Poem

AND do not fear to hope. Can poet's brain
More than the Father's heart rich good invent?
Each time we smell the autumn's dying scent,

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