George Sterling Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Autumn (Stc)

Ah! well I know that I shall never find
Thy like this side of Heaven! Well I know
That whether on the ways of dream I go,

The Cool, Grey City Of Love- San Francisco

Tho I die on a distant strand,
And they give me a grave in that land,
Yet carry me back to my own city!
Carry me back to her grace and pity!

Ballad Of The Seeker

John o' Dreams fled North, fled North,
Led by a certain star,
Till he came to peaks that he could not

The Yellow Rose

Sad Autumn is the miser of thy gold;
But dead and meek
Thy petals speak
More than thy beauty told.

Spring In Carmel

O'er Carmel fields in the springtime the sea-gulls follow the plow.
   White, white wings on the blue above!
   White were your brow and breast, O Love!
   But I cannot see you now.

The City By The Sea -- San Francisco

At the end of our streets is sunrise;
At the end of our streets are spars;
At the end of our streets is sunset;

Broadway - New York July 1916

Indifferent to a world in agony,
The drunken wasters crowd the cabaret,
Whose midnight orgies end but with the day.

Ballad Of The Fatal Word

The boulders lie along the downs;
The turf is hard between;
The Channel waves are low this dawn,
And turf and wave are green.


As music out of silence, Craig, so came
Thy love from mystery; so, darling, now
The lilies are less radiant than thy brow,

White Magic

KEEP ye her brow with starshine crost
And bind with ghostly light her hair,
O powers benign, lest I accost
Song's peaceless angel unaware!

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