Ghost Legend Poems

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Lost In A Sea Of Beauty

I want to be free,
Lost in a sea of beauty,
Fleeing life's tragedy.

Wretched Wings

Weathered wings doing wretched things
On my life, wringing everything.
I hear him breathe, as a disease,
Slowly consuming.


What I'd do for another whisper from that voice,
Pleading, bleeding, calling out for my choice.
Say' it'd been the wrong waist—a waste
Within horses of troy, chasing a pace

To Be Anywhere

We can run away from it as much as we want,
But the truth is always there,
I have never loved myself enough to be alone


All I wanted was to be loved.
I thought I saw it through innocent touch,
But it ended up with innocence lost.
Now, I find myself searching out of lust.

An Incomplete Meadow Song

Is it best to leave words unsaid?
Would that be the correct movement?
Is it the most soothing path to take
When an unruly heart breaks?

Never Known But Always Told

Never known what passion is,
But I've always attempted to find out.
It's stayed an invisible luxury,
Never relenting in being roundabout.

Lighting The Match

Who would believe that a leaf holds such power
As to influence the quality of one's daily hours?
So repugnant is the nature of what we admire
That it determines the fate of all held truly ours.

Change Of Mirrors

There's a mirror only clearly seen
When near and speaking admirably,
But, behind this, there's another far away—
When blinded, it distorts your face.

Flesh In Chains

Flesh in chains—
Are you kidding me?
Is this a game?
It has to be.

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