Greg Oosterhouse Poems

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I am in awe as I hear that name,
The one that has world-wide acclaim.
At the sound of 'I AM that I AM',
I get tears, and am amazed all the same.


If I could only speak one word,
None but your name from me would be heard.
For with your name, all things are said.
It makes my soul to take flight as a bird.


Thank You Lord, for making me content,
Despite the trouble that came without my consent.
You will me not to worry.
To always give You praise is my intent.


Sin, like a tumor sticks out,
Being such a pain, you want to shout.
Ther great Pathologist will detect it,
Then the cancer will be destroyed without.

Rubai # 114

On you, let the Lord put His mark,
Then a flame will grow from your spark.
Your soul will be renewed.
You will be a light within the dark.

Rubai - 113

No matter what you do,
Nothing will stop me from loving you.
True love is an indestructable force,
It remains forever fresh and new.

Rubai - 112

Lord, You take the wheel,
As this traffic is too much for me, I feel.
You make Rand McNally seem like Mr. Magoo.
Having You drive me on Your Way is a good deal.

Rubai -111

My pen moves in strokes of praise.
It writes of God's love most days.
I have no control as it writes,
For it is the Lord that moves it in His mysterious ways.

Rubai 110

The Lord only is holy,
Let this be understood wholly.
Do not put that stamp on people or things.
Only calling God holy, let this your goal be.

Rubai 109

Hiding your sin is no good.
Let this be fully understood:
The Lord will bring it to light,
And it will spoil as days old food.

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