hagm khan

hagm khan Poems

what are you doing.
asked dad
the boy answered


yummy food.
Sang dad
We are having alien.
Said mum

batman and robin got out of the batcar.
filled there batbottles.
read some batbooks
and fell asleep in there batbeds

can i play with the plants
mummy asked the boy
no its raining
raining what

who are you. asked the gardener
no who are who.the boy said
nice name. said the gardener
the boy asked.who are you

The Best Poem Of hagm khan

What Are You Doing

what are you doing.
asked dad
the boy answered
what are you reading.
dad asked
reading about nature.
the boy replied
you don't like nature.
said dad
he opened the door and said.
o good boy
you thought i did not like nature.
he giggled
oh my oh my.
said dad

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