Hannington Mumo Poems

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The Hapless Youth

Look at him and see that he's determined
To win the glories now denied;
See his zeal and study his will,
It is the highest satisfaction he wants to feel.


Clinging to the sturdy pillars of truth,
The forward journey must be walked;
There is no stopping upon the way
Till that cherished and triumphant day,

A Glimpse Of The Future

What is this resplendent thing that sparkles ahead,
Pacing faster than limbs of incapacity
Beyond the all-pervasive dakness of want?
Could my eyes be playing upon me some sly pervasity,

Homage To Wole Soyinka

(Upon his declaration of interest in Nigeria’s presidency)

Great guru of letters, who has so much this journey walked,
Here comes your literary offspring paying a tribute to an honored ancestor,

C. Ballad 1: Reverend And Son



The Determined Man

None has more fury than a determined man
Whose path obtuse mortals block with ritualistic obeisance
Of primitive dogmas and creed;
He feels a lump of filtered insouciance

My Life

My life is an interwoven plaiting
Of a complex mystery still waiting
To be unraveled by Nature's consuls;
A history to be written by fiction's moguls!

My Father And My Friend

My Father and my friend,
I love not to live by pretense,
Nor love I your sacrosanct decrees to bend;
I repent every transgression hence,

It's Well

It's well that well ends,
It's said well that's said to placate embers of ire;
And all aims are good that target higher,
And it arcs well that which to the center bends!

Conceive And Achieve

He who said what the mind can conceive
The same can ably achieve
Was not only right but also in touch with the Creator
Who all endowments has given the human mind,

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