Harekrishna Meher Poems

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Incantations Of Speech

I'm the supreme empress
and the bestower of prosperity to the devotees.
I'm the omniscient goddess
and the first among the adorable deities.

Incantations Of Unity

May you all together go.
May all of you together speak also.
May your minds further
be the same unanimously,

Life Beautiful

Life is beautiful.
Beautiful is the penance-grove of physical body.
Verily love is eternal, effulgent,
supernal and sacred.

Maxims From Tapasvini Kavya

Spontaneous is the flow of River
to mingle with Sea, her own lover.
She firmly crosses pass and rock
that appear on the way to block.

The Ambrosial

Verily I'm a drop
of the ocean of nectar.
Shunning the ocean I had risen up
in the firmament afar.

Meghaduta: Charm Of Love

'The charm of your limbs I see
in Priyangu creepers.
In the eyes of the frightened Does
I observe your glances.

Rhyme Of Modern Life

Complex and confused has been
the ultra-modernized life’s function.
Acute accident is seen
everywhere in junction.

River Tamasa: Philosophy Of Life

Wandering over several woods wide,
never wavering astray
by illusion of any gorge,
surmounting many an impediment

Supreme Divine Voice

Entire courtyard of the Creator
is permeated with Music.
Every part of Nature is endowed
with regular musical concord, ‘tā la’ and ‘laya’.

Sylvan Beauty (Vana-Lakshmi)

While glittered Maithili
at the door-way of the pleasure-grove,
Dame Vana-Lakshmi heartily,
adorned with sun-shine,

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