Heather GH

Heather GH Poems

Mother. This seems to be my only avenue to reach you.
Its such a long long drive to get to you.
I really feel I'll never reach you.
Did I make a wrong turn?

The Best Poem Of Heather GH

I'M Trying

Mother. This seems to be my only avenue to reach you.
Its such a long long drive to get to you.
I really feel I'll never reach you.
Did I make a wrong turn?
Every block closer I become,
You run another block away and somehow,
somehow a detour gets thrown in there.
Will you just stop? Will you just listen?
I'm trying. I'm trying mother.

Its building up.
Things I've never felt.
Words caught in my throat I fear yet long to say.
I'm trying. I'm trying mother.

I turn on the radio to pass the time,
To make my drive to you go faster,
No chance.

I'm trying. I'm trying mother.
So are you.
Your trying to get away.
Its ok. I know I'll never understand,
But I'm trying.

I'll keep on trying mother.
One day I may reach you,
It won't be pretty,
It may not even be civil,
But at least I will know
I always tried,
I never gave up.

So until then,
I'm trying. I'm trying mother.

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