Hebert Logerie Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Protect Our Children

We want Peace
For our children in the Middle East
From Israel to Lebanon
From Congo to Gabon

Express Ourselves As We Wish

Democracy is about freedom of speech
Anarchy is, without a doubt, the opposite
Of democracy, liberty and freedom to wish
To hope, to dream and to confront defeat.

You Are A Leader

You are a leader
Not a follower.
A date is a date,
Go for the debate.

Le Voyageur Solitaire / The Lonesome Traveler

(Ce poème est dédié à mon ami, feu Luc Pyram
enterré le 8 novembre,2008)

Le temps était nébuleux et le ciel en pleurs.

After The Election

Now, you and I have won,
We will pardon
Our adversaries,
Ignore our enemies

The Untold Story

You once told me your race
(Not if I really cared)
You once showed me the true color of your face
(Not if that mattered)

Every Day Is A New Date, Dear

I am not worrying about a new year.
Every single day is a brand new date,
For us to gleefully enjoy and celebrate,
From dawn to noon, until the night, dear.

A Fool In Love In April

For crying out loud
I am awesomely proud
To be a Fool in love
With Mother Nature.

Death Is Not A Friend

Death steals from us all the time
Death loves committing crime
Death eerily robs us of our friends
Sisters, brothers and our dear parents.

To My Brother Who Looks Different Than Me

The first time, we met; you treated me,
Like a sibling, like a brother.
It was friendship; it was love at first sight;
In a very short time, you became my faithful mentor,

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