Herbert Nehrlich Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Say Hi

A thoughtful message sent in time
is more effective as a rhyme.
You see, inside each cluttered mind
there is temptation to be kind.

Haiku Practice

Has poetryhound
on the Kahoona Playground
been finally found?

A Christopher Marlowe Poem

Come live with me and be my love,
And we will all the pleasures prove
That valleys, groves, hills, and fields,
Woods or steepy mountain yields.

For Linda Ori-No Special Occasion

While sitting on a hollow log
I noticed a small, handsome frog,
he came to me, quite unafraid
and said 'we need to find some shade.'

Rabbit Habit

A rabbit is a furry thing
its fluffiness is magic,
a rabbit cannot speak or sing,
but is a coprophagic.

The Day Of Papa's Funeral

And there we stood, the family,
foremost in black and closed off faces.
Then sevenhundred folks from town,
they all had come to give respect

In The Morgue

First cut is from the top
slice down the sternum
add side excursions
just above the breasts

Dozing Off

I sat, against the root of a dishevelled casuarina,
the storm had been too violent for its tender face
a horde of hungry crabs and shiny Fiji beetles
have made a gala dinner of the saprophytes,

Places Without Swine

Who now would move to Arizona,
or California at that
we shall not talk about corona
or corazon to take to bed.


Napoleon did start the fad
it was because he never had
enough to spend for soldier food
to keep them in the proper mood.

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