Herbert Nehrlich Poems

Hit Title Date Added
My Sunshine

A little ray of sunshine
is what we all need.
For some this means fun time,
for others a feed.

Crocodile Dream

A boy who had a scary dream
had nodded off, right near the stream.
His dream now featured crocodiles
that chased the lad for many miles.

A Family

Her father was a smart dyslexic
but she was thin and anorexic.
The mother had a bad addiction
to gambling in her jurisdiction.

Limerick For A Friday Night

I once dated an overweight girl.
She was cute and her first name was Shirl.
When we tried to make love
after push and much shove

To Dr. Bill Hirzy

He's climbed that stony hill
a man with seeing eyes
who thinks and ponders still
the oh, so common lies.

A Poet

LP Gas. It's a second choice.
Always has been. May as well
be in the future, same as always.
Nothing special, just the gas.

Cheap Wine

You said that life is pretty short
and that we should not think
that we are people of a sort
who save and rather drink

Fiddling Figures

O my, dear Robert
it burns to see you
have moved to fifty-six
from fifty one.

Lack Of

I wonder if my calculator
could figure out your soul.
It seems to be, filled to the top
with symbols of strange science

Gina Again

It was ecstatic electricity.
That touch of velvety, delicious skin,
the sun had, reasonably, retreated
and in the forest we felt wild and free.

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