Herbert Nehrlich Poems

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I see you, standing in the station's light, my mother
a frigid wind blows, cruel accomplice of the night
your loving arms hold tightly now my little brother
a few stray glances linger, leave our sorry plight.

Admittedly, I Am A Hoarder

They all are, those bitches,
blackmailers, connivers,
nothing can wait a second longer,
tomorrow le deluge perhaps,

Mrs. Smith

Yes, Mrs. Smith I surely would
hold hands with you if I just could
and with my innermost good feelings
I'd try to talk to you of healings

Inner Thighs

I told you the truth.
And, in answer
to your question,
it is the inside

Joy - In Memoriam

She gave to all,
with caring hands
and warmth of heart.
They called her,

Nouveau Riche

You say where there is smoke there must be fire
while pointing at the mansion I now own,
no man will stand here calling me a liar
a blackmailer, and crook, who's rotten to the bone.

As Death Knows No Mercy

And when the light
at the far end
of Hope street
silently slips over the horizon

Mutts And Butts

It's the wife who is partial to mutts,
I must say I consider it nuts
one is black aone is white
neither racially right

A Never-Ending Tease

Well, there was nothing else to do,
homework had been assigned
to late tomorrow, after lunch,
and this was just a day, too good

Generation Gap

On a bench in the Mall
sat a man who was old.
When a teen who was tall
sat, without being told

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