Holly Somer Poems

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Jelly Fish Sting

When he was laying on the beach getting a tan
Something shot him in the foot and he could barely stand
Thriving in pain, All he wanted was a shower
Parametics came fast


12 years of school and now it's close to ending
I'm going to miss all my friends
Who'm are still attending
The dances were fun and the privilages were sweet

Forever Love 3

You were my bestfriend when we were young
You taught me how to climb the tree
We made up an Indian dance
Where we ran free across the woods

I'M Sorry

I'm sorry when I get angry I say mean things to your face
Or when it's too much for me I wish you were shipped off to another place

The words I say to you make you cry

What Shapes A Heart

You know hearts aren't shaped with points
Their actually shaped like pairs
The color and the shapes all depend on the two.
The two who pinky swear to be best friends for life


Time is running out to study
All the info is moving around in my head
Mixing up with one another
I get the goose bumps and look around the room

Come To Me

Throw a rock at my window
Knock on my door
Scream till I hear you
and you can't talk no more

In My Dreams

All my wishes come true
Even the bad ones too
Causing me to jump out of my bed
From scarce or excitement

A New Day

A new time of day
new plans for the night
new resolutions to stop every fight
I'm taking the hard way

Could Have Been

We could have been together forever
Hand in hand through out the weather
The leafs will change as the seasons go by
Then I think to myself ' Why didn't I? '

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