Francis Duggan Hunting Poems

Fox Hunting Is Banned In Britain

A so called sport of the upper class that inspired the bards to rhyme
Fox hunting is banned in Britain everything has it's time
For nothing last forever it had passed it's use by date
And in chasing down and killing a frightened creature what is to celebrate?

There Ought To Be A Ban On Whale Hunting

There ought to be a Worldwide ban on whale hunting since all species of whales are becoming rare
And of the justification of killing them in the name of so called science the enlightened and aware
On the sensitive issue of whaling will tell you that this is all lies
That killing in the name of science of marine mammals has always only been a guise

The Cape Hunting Dogs Of Africa

They run for hours on end each day through grasses gray and brown
Race antelope to a stand still and drag big zebra down
Outlast the speedy wildebeest their victims die in pain
Those amazing cape hunting dogs the hunters of the plain.

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