I wish i was as invisable as he made me feel Poems

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Yu Wnt See Me Cry

I told yu everything,
opened up and let you in,
you made me feel alright,
for once in my life...

Answer Me This.....

if it feels so wrong,
it must be right...
cause when it felt so right,
it was just so wrong.....

I'M Miss...

Im miss too dumb to study law,
miss upset and scared cos she's facing court.
im mrs random but interesting,
miss she's too big now she's too thin.

I Had A Funny Dream...

I had a funny dream,
about a marshmallow ball...
he made me so giggley,
then my skin started to crawl...

Im Sorry Mum =(

Im sorry mum its all like this,
i wish i could take your pain away,
and give you all the joy you want,
fast forward to a happier day? ?

Just Leave Me Alone! ! ! !

Just leave me alone,
just let me be!
I don't need you or want you!
Cant you see?

Lessons In Life..

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will.

You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken.

Warped And Twisted

Harsh words & violent blows
Hidden secrets nobody knows
Eyes are open, hands are fisted
Deep inside I'm warped & twisted

I Thought I Was Over All This...

You called me this morning,
i broke down and cried,
im going to be the reason,
for why this man dies...


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