I wish i was as invisable as he made me feel Poems

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Not The Type....

Im not the type to get my heart broken,
im not the one to get upset and cry,
but now things are changing,
and it's hurting me to say goodbye.

Internal Bleeding... I May Be Dieing...

isn't it strange how things can be?
i have this bleeding,
and it is...
inside of me? ?

I Tried.... But Failed.. Yet Once Again..

I tried to smile...
but it felt so wrong...
i don't know why...
i just don't think i should be smiling,

Id Rather..

Admit It....

just admit it...
admit what you feel inside,
don't try and deny it,
cos i can see it in your eyes...

I'Ll Be Back My Baby's

now baby please remeber i love you,
i dearly love you both,
things are getting complicated at the moment,
and we can't see each other,

My Cure... A Knife! !

as i clutch my cure,
i tightly lock the door,
and my smile reappears,
as my blood hits the floor...

Yu Wnt Ever C Me Gone! !

When you look at me,
what do you see?
i know you don't see my pain,
for if you did,

Hello To High And Dry.....

I swallow razor blades and spit up blood
Cut out my heart and gave it to my love
I hung myself with an extention cord
And dangled high above the ouiji board

To My Baby Gurlz

You are friendly, kind and caring
Sensitive, loyal and understanding
Humorous, fun, secure and true
Always there... yes that's you.

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