Ilire Zajmi

Ilire Zajmi Poems

They trade with my dreams
training their skills
They shop with my temper
dabble their patience

I don’t want to walk on the same roads
Repeat slandered rituals
To drink big black coffee without taste
At the most frequented bar in the city

All day long
I stare at people walking by
I drink bitter coffee, smoke cheap cigarettes
In front and behind my back I don't see anyone

Give me your hand, when I won’t be able to stand on my feet
Give me a childish smile when the first wrinkles appear on
my forehead
Give me a fervent kiss on my bruised lips

Wishes are children who never grow up

Bubbles floating in the air

I desideri sono bambini che non crescono mai

Bolle galleggianti in aria

Ilire Zajmi Biography

Ilire Zajmi studied mass communication and media.Specialised diplomacy and political scienes. She is a writer, journalist and trainer of television journalism in the Kosovo Media Institute. Ilire works as professor of communication in Prishtina. She is also Head of Education at the Kosovo national public broadcaster Radio Television of Kosovo (RTK) . Ilire writes poems, prose, essays. She is also very much engaged in the studing and writing for media issues in Kosovo and abroad. Ilire won special poetry prize in the international contest in Milan, Italy, in the 20 edition, held 2011. Her poems and books are traslated in Italian, English, Romanian. She is member of Kosovo PEN and Associacion Poetas del Mundo.)

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They trade with my dreams
training their skills
They shop with my temper
dabble their patience
They bet for my breast
Measure their libido
They drink for my health
get drunk with their money
They are sleepless
Concerned about my problems
They hire a private detective
to write my black biography
counting my lovers.
For all the time
For them
I'm at the public auction
And they try to steal my eye
To rape my dream
to push me in the hinterland.
And to play, play with me.

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