ireniza delamota

ireniza delamota Poems

wat is love? wat is hate? but at the end of both you always end with tears! .......
love is just hate spelled differenly, , , , , , ,
u always end up wit the same pian.....
every guy is playin the game....

wat is the meanin of life....
life feel like a knife stabing at all time.......
life is full of people to make u cry...
sometime u hope u can die, that life is a waste of time.....

The Best Poem Of ireniza delamota

Love Or Hate

wat is love? wat is hate? but at the end of both you always end with tears! .......
love is just hate spelled differenly, , , , , , ,
u always end up wit the same pian.....
every guy is playin the game....
so i guess i got to do the same.....

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