Ishant Bhurani

Ishant Bhurani Poems

I just hate being alone,
but at the same time I love it.
I hate it because people think I am odd,
but I love it because I know they are all similar.

Don't go or I will cry,
without you I will die,
still this relationship can be saved by a little more try.

I can't look in your eyes but I can tell why there are tears
I can spend my life looking at your face but can't say a sentence in praisal of your smile
I can't say anything to you but always think to say what I feel for you
I can't stand near you but I always dream of hugging you

Where is she?
I am here, see.

I am searching her in the world,

I never asked you to come into my life,
but you came to my life,
I never asked you to be my friend,
but you became my friend,

It was a scary night,
everything was dark and there was no light,
suddenly saw someone shining very bright,
coming towards me, it was asking for help,

Love, most idiotic word I have ever heard,
It's the feeling like I am imprisoned,
The time when we were friends was better,
actually that time we were together,

Why is she not replying?
Does she knows here I am dying?

I am sending messages on messages expecting at least one reply,


A new start comes after an end,
A new sun shine after end of one night, why?
To accomplish many wishes a star has to shoot,
to be a memory something has to say goodbye, why?

The Best Poem Of Ishant Bhurani

Loneliness-Good Or Bad?

I just hate being alone,
but at the same time I love it.
I hate it because people think I am odd,
but I love it because I know they are all similar.
I hate it because I don't have any friends to share my thoughts,
but I love it because it encourages me to write.
I hate it because I don't have anyone special to care for me,
but I love it because because it makes me more independent.
So the conclusion is loneliness is neither good nor bad,
Then how can you say that being alone is bad? ? ?

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