Jaishree Nair Poems

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A Meaning To Life

You are the daffodil that sways to the melody of my music...
You are the sunshine that radiates my heart with the warmth of love...
You are the fragrance that blossoms my being to a dandy perfect...

Deeds Of Unstable Minds

Amidst the young seeking the solace of affection...
the talons of self-centered vanity.

Amidst the procession of honey oozing words...

Who Is Responsible.....

Who is responsible
for my life of solitude
forced to curtail my thoughts
in the blanket of darkness..

Lost Humanity

Can we call ourselves humans?
Cold blooded clubbing, battering, slaughtering in mid street
Heedless of the blood shed
Intent on butchering fellow -beings for reasons trivial.

A Pleasant Sight

I can see the children around...
Playing ball in the ground..
Laughing, sprinting, jostling...
The future champions promising..!

Our Choice

The seed of love,
hammered and distorted
on the anvil of life
terminated before germination..


A family scattered with the risingsun,
to returnat dusk,
in the shelter zone of love...

An Ideal Principal

An illuminating torch bearer will always be in the limelight
In the frying pan he will be tossed in and out alright
His words weighed with mixed emotions
No doubt it may lead to personal aversions....

A Great Poet

With lots left unsaid,
With lots yet to do,
The legendary mother of all pulse beats, left us orphaned,
In the brutal struggle for survival we are now alone!


Your first cry brought tears of joy deep....
Your first step was a victorious leap...
Your first word etched in my vocabulary multitude....
Your sleepless nights took away my lethargic lassitude.....

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