James Arlington Wright Poems

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After dark
Near the South Dakota border,
The moon is out hunting, everywhere,
Delivering fire,

May Morning


It can't be the passing of time that casts
That white shadow across the waters
Just offshore.
I shiver a little, with the evening.

Goodbye To The Poetry Of Calcium

Dark cypresses--
The world is uneasily happy;
It will all be forgotten.
--Theodore Storm

At The Executed Murderer's Grave

Why should we do this? What good is it to us? Above all,
how can we do such a thing? How can it possibly be done?


Fear Is What Quickens Me


Many animals that our fathers killed in America
Had quick eyes.

A Poem About George Doty In The Death House

Lured by the wall, and drawn
To stare below the roof,
Where pigeons nest aloof
From prowling cats and men,

I will grieve alone,
As I strolled alone, years ago, down along
The Ohio shore.
I hid in the hobo jungle weeds

Bologna: A Poem About Gold

Give me this time, my first and severe
Italian, a poem about gold,
The left corners of eyes, and the heavy
Night of the locomotives that brought me here,

And how can I, born in evil days
And fresh from failure, ask a kindness of Fate?

-- Written A.D. 819

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