James Donovan Poems

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What Is A Poem

A poem is a way to say
just what's on your mind today
a way to put your thoughts in verse
that doesn't cut into your purse.


Have you ever looked up to the sky and seen an eagle soar,
or watched a rain filled cloud pass by, or heard the thunder roar?

Have you ever smelled the perfumed air on a balmy summer's night,


They say the dog is man's best friend but is this true, pray tell?
Is there no other creature that could play that role as well?

'What about our cat? ' we ask, 'We love that little pest'

An Ode To Dandelions

Behold the colorful dandelion that permeates your lawn.
You think it's just a pesky weed and so it is withdrawn.
But, if I show you myriad ways to use this simple flower,
And explain it's many benefits and talk about it's power,

Special Seasons

Spring is a special time of year
when flowers start to reappear
and trees begin to bear their fruit
and birds are seen in swift pursuit

I'm Only A Cat

I'm only a cat,
and I stay in my place...
Up there on your chair,
on your bed or your face!

Best Of Friends

They say a dog is man's best friend
but what about our cats?
I know my cat would disagree
if I ever told him that.

Ode To A Stray Cat

Oh, what unhappy twist of fate
Has brought you homeless to my gate?
The gate where once another stood
To beg for shelter, warmth, and food

A Cat's Christmas

'Twas the night before Christmas
and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring,
not even a mouse

My Two Cats

I had two little kittens
I named them Pat and Mike
And as they grew I soon found out
How much they were alike

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