James McLain Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Finger On My Neck

U R A Pop Quiz


Vacation Is Her Vocation

Trembling never still, on her picture
a reel, here I watch.In love she worked so hard, like corn
bread and milk, as sweet as her blush.
The flax is no longer yellow, the warm sun of time has left

Death, A Contract

Crushed bones, ground fine nice is her shaker.
My boots find no pleasure walking across, faces by dozen.
Contracts sung in sin I have gained, all fit your eye.
Once long ago in youth your pleasure, was once my pasture.

My Name Is Ferinus

My name is.........Ferinus...succulency, is the middle Roseus.
Why would I care honestly what others eat.
Whether it swims, flies, hops, crawls especially the kind
that walks on two feet, through my field.

Lap Car

Alone rides slap of rails
to jerk, down and up, are
lights move away, seen
hand in hair, sweet lap.

Dad Thanks Again

It is thirteen years today
since you sent me on the
home depot mission
gone only twenty minutes

Controversy Not Dissension

Another Kind Of Miricle

Is loving, a punks punk it can be very
hard, her grippe is firm, how she yells and) wink(s
other wise the day is a bit warm.) it(smile) s to.
I have washed the aphids, the milk is fresh and cool.

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