James McLain Poems

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Dali Mixed Picasso Women

Flames out her nose
lasers, guide her eyes.
Her twin peaks are off the canvas, to bend trickles
of milk, holes is cup leaking mouths.

Black Hole

If I slide by you, will you help me stop?
I stretch my arms, nails bleed by walls, bloody.
I look, you see me go by, is your face blank like mine?
I have No, understanding of water, stagnant multiplied

You Have To Kill Me First

I will never just give it up
on the punk tip
get a gripp
and dip

A, Little Lost

I walk, look, walk, look and walk
some more,
I do notice every thing, even you.
I am not, can not, wish I were you

Banana Leaves

Pink blueish moons veil, lightly flowered.
The soft twap of green leaves, as I push through them.
Upward I gaze the dark silhouettes of millions, to closely
resemble, looking down I pause.

Royal, 'sycophants'

They follow her around
like she is thier queen
professional loppers
of hemorrhoids, she is

No One Knows

Masters of the universe are one shape
no other face can tell
untill you see it.
Some faces stay the same, for eons

Regina's Royal Coach

Women Hate Confession

The Last Casket

It is decayed, for all to see behind murky lead glass.
The sun is old, the plant of youth has faded to grey.
Futures squandered, roads of gold, are left undead.
Gaunt, robust once is night now returned, in dusk.

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