James McLain Poems

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Light Is Purchased..(2)

They know that this step which I speak, reason fled more
sought your heart it's you that I thought you knew mine.
Who knew thee too well - a long period,
long and we spent a lot in you in the street.

Light Is Purchased.. (1)

When we both are;
separated into silence and tears, ignored.
W'ye, and when you left me for wine and other grape varieties.
Hurry now sour, shriveled brown vines my sun, avoids.

A Boxroom D'

boxroom and bipolar each luxary mixture of maniac
enters between the lines of the pad d' deeply the marshes.
The majority 'ed to go only as a remote thought north,
like top of each pine to seek a feather behind or two.

Tears During A Tremor

my love I cannot individually help it my their for me sometimes
I drink you by the center where you are wet and oily the
feeling of heat I /lass are the days and
I feel your day by your cylinder heads it'; s center of operation

Aujourn 'D

The most invaluable ornament, clear faces.
Out of whimsical silk and all l' it'; tales of imagination of S. Plus than deeply mythology. So that the woman can go naked, on the streets paved in gravel, while vĂȘtu.
Nothing sports she, but luminous coloured evening gowns.
Almost religious, sericiculture d' it'; the knowledge she

Deaf In An Ear

The insane woman Compte 'S daily being still harms,
except each night when it'; S hot.
The flies are worse over there, come here.
Today front, won'; T you have faith.

Came Dawn

It came subtle nudges and whispers too
rolling over folding onto its self became.
Such trembling; why age erupted youth
blinding; eyes moved impassioned hues

The Soft Spring The Pleasant King

The spring,
the soft spring, it is in the year';
the pleasant king,
ring of fire each flower each thing then,

Hay A Needle

DESCENDED, from the good shepard,
over there of the size of mountain course:
Which pleasure lives in the face (did the shepherd she/he sing) ,
in the face and cold, the splendour of the hills?


Exposed out of the suns yellow heat
left within the ice blue cold.
Fear by the seat of this knowing.
No matter how i rexamine it/it always

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