James McLain Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Charles Bukowski's Explanation On Temptation

And while doing my laundry
with Charles Bukowski
and he instructing me about such
stating that each lovely

Body Shaming

The average size of American women is now size sixteen.
Lower-priced, processed food — choosing fresh food
suddenly became optional.
That half of U.S. can not afford to buy.

Shaming Children

Our shortcomings,
as adults can be overwhelming.
Our guilt from our own lack of understanding.
Even if you, like I,

When Were You A Nun

To wade in any where
hand tiding, 'habits
each slim, 'waist

Dreams, Dreams Of Butterflies

The dreams,
of my heart and mind.

In my dream

I Watched Her Succubus Through Her Key Hole

I found her diary it read in part,
I let it go at me at first.
I let myself give in to the depth and bredth of it.
But it got more and more invasive

There Was Tons Of Screaming And A Lot Of Sweat

She Is My Whore

............Maybe She was a Whore to you.
But she was my whore and I loved her to much.
I think many of you took advantage of her.
Never the less.

💘 After The Glitter Fades 💘

Circles of hills closed within, at the base
Of each hill flows white mist.

Dripping dew drops hang from green leaves,

The Weather Man

Circles of hills closed within, at the base
Of each hill flows white mist.
Dripping dew drops hang from green leaves,
Bushes found here are not topped.

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