James McLain Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Is God Judging America Today

Is God Judging America Today?
The pastor who leads a weekly bible study group
For members
Of President Donald Trump's Cabinet

The Need Of A Ventilator

I was young dumb and in love,
After having served six months in jail
I thought every thing was as it was before.

Should He Be Allowed To Euthanize Us 🇺🇸

The few world war two vet's, the Korean
War vet's and Vietnam vet's as well?
Bailing out wall street, his own financial

The Dog With No Tail

The dog with no tail patiently waited
For the installation of the new white carpet
Then lifted his rear legs as his front legs pulled
His ass slowly across it reaching the


The front line workers are now the heroes
Of the United States of America
Nurse, firefighters, law enforcement, food industries.
The list is nearly endless and should receive

The Bickering Vultures Have Abandoned Their Feast

They are even more terrified than we are
The bickering vultures have abandoned their feast.
Infrastructure should be logically next employing
Hundreds of thousands of workers when it's

Mature Juicies

Why do you tease me
as once did she
whom was so wicked bad
and her

In These Trying Times

It is to late to rant on concerning his
Being in that category in which I will die
If I catch it.

The Virus Is Now In Our Jails And Prisons

The virus is now in our jails and prisons,
With these two million plus human beings
With no where to hide.
And they need guards and will the guards stay

A Woman's Body

A woman's body,
is to objectify and steal to conquer all men.
Men have not made these bodies for women.
Women have sex from time with our bodies.

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