James McLain Poems

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Iron clad monitored the dance
shooting spit balls
Is it does not mean it is without
effort inside.

Flattery Is Emulation

Loving darkness, pure is your kiss of death
the sea on your lips, white are snow flakes.
One is worth all being said I give to you,
by the one true self- only worth to you I give all.

Pink Swastika

This Jesus thing,
Uganda, Arizona,
discrimination you feel.

Night Stutters

I lay on top of the bed, quilt clenched tight
knuckled white paler in face, to wait.
I wait every nite, my nites run into a mile
measured backward into me.

Your Rules Of My Pain...

is to cry
is to flinch
is to scream
is to fall asleep

Ego Of The Poet

Brag to me no more to you if what I wrote tis gone.
The special place where I would with you go
between the wall is stuffed with words.
Paper balls I've wadded up to keeps me warm.

Time Keeps Us Apart

In the darkness of my dreaming
a heart beat away
is there not a way a road I could follow
our bed it is vacant

Justice Is Questioned

When there is a case in the death of the first party
and the second parts
at best with two unequal answers
if to the very same person

The Story Of Death

It is a hot day and I hate their life.
Topless without looking at all the bimbos in the pool.
Irritation but not from that what you think,
the need to rearrange it bothers me constantly.

Hidden In The Wings Of Soft Cotton

Soften their hearts and minds be still O' my tongue.
Intelligence is the tool Kings learn some are born with.
Forgiveness will be the cool spring that you drink from.
From the four corners of the Earth pours forth great restraint.

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