James McLain Poems

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Some Of What Goes On Currently In Florida Prisons

Mark Joiner was roused from his cell earlier than usual on June 24,2012.
He was handed a bottle of Clorox and was told it was clean-up time.

Joiner was used to cleaning up cells in Dade Correctional Institution’s psychiatric ward, and many of them were frequently brimming with feces and urine, insect-infested food and other filth.

Those That Are Out Of Touch With Reality

You say your from here but your not.
It sure isn't love that is killing U.S.
sadly this you all know.
They must go-go they must but

Creating A Comment

Wading through foam to the sea
I pass between rocks that aren't seen.
An easier course with out thought
to discourse,

Green Light, Then It Races On

The leaves in the fall do not fall-falling there.
Memory's people loose can't be found.
To many have gone here even fewer will stay.
Trees with deep roots won't grow in the dark.


Growing up in Tampa,
I chased and caught every thing
that moved.
Selling rattle snakes to the ice cream man

I Don'T Want To Die Like Other Poet's

Without a tether lost in space and why
it is they can't see me.
Each sentence I write runs on and on
I've been afraid of the dark since

Waiting For The Rain (Haiku)

Behind The Green Bush Where I Wait

I see her face behind thè green bush
her teeth are white she is smiling.
Humid it's hot I am sweating.
These are the trees here

Kentucky Clerk And Homosexual Marriage

As soon as she is released from jail she will
have abandoned her position on God,
as the United States Constitution is very clear.
Church and State

Loving Cats

Wearing a bra that I didn't buy
she wears my boxers.
The panties I bought that she
latter found

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