James McLain Poems

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The Bone

It's not the meat around it,
Dog's don't complain.
Why does God?

Again Soft Rain Will Come

Then there you are in the soft rain,
Every thing smells new all around you.

As the fish in the pond swim all around me,

Modern Poetry

Is to get my ideas into main stream Media before the rest
mental illness, global warming
new ideas on education,

I Cannot Stay

Before me walks this a shadow.
Is it yours.
I can not come to close too say.
Crossing over from where

Death From The Sky

Three point three million miles may
Sound far away,
But that's how close we came to being
Struck by an asteroid the other day.

I Followed Love

What have you given that I've taken away?
A mixture of pain like feelings that way.
Once we experienced, feeling's of heaven.
We were childlike and happy, yes even glad-hearted.

A Death-Bed

No one wants to sleep in this bed but some must.
The state has a taste for pasty death.
Witnesses testified as much and so they should.
Pale well fed better than some on the streets.

In The Storm Of Roses

The low throaty dissonant rumblings.
Bestirs a bush of sharp tiny thorns.
The green leaves in shadows form,
as the humid air,

Freedom Is Not Free

Hear our living voice,
grow silent still.
The day grows light,
then dark the Devil's will.

Take Me Home

Elbows on the window sill
my head rests wistfully inside my palms
wondering if I could leave this life
and go live with her.

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