James McLain Poems

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An Opinion Is Not Poetry

Why We All Must Wear Masks

The mask to deceive those whom we can,
Hiding our eyes from the mirror inside of our soul's.
Evil within, without the mask is exposed,
He or she can then hide behind Satan's face a face

The Sweet Hereafter

As I lay here sleeping not yet quite awake,
They the great poets pass by me and some not all
Come in and speak as they shake me.

If Not But For A Year Then But One Day

If not but for a year then but one day,
To see the setting sun and last rising of the moon
In just one day.
Have you seen the flash that's green and the moon

I Remember

By the time I was twelve she assumed
It has not been eaten,
Eaten by those whom liked to eat.
As soft and as pliable as a tongue once was

Why Do Some Poets Stay Hidden

Why do some poets stay hidden?
Restraining orders aren't good are they,
To those with evil in their hearts.
And sometimes the very act of getting one,

Simple Man

Mama's Gone, I've lost my friend
She ran the race oh yeah, she fought the fight
Now mama's gone, I've never seen my dad
She never spoke a single bad word,

Advice To A Young Boy

Though her lip's be full
Green leaves
Being a boy not a man
There is time

Beware Of These Scammer's

On Jan 31,2018 6: 17 AM, "Susan William" wrote:

I must thank you once again for your humble reply to my mail. I really appreciate it so much and i am very happy to read from you, well from your respond I'm convinced that the future has a special place for us, if only we could trust each other and also be honest and faithful to each other

This Subject Concerns Me

I came in,
With the light wrapped around me
No one could see me, as white dove's
Fly high above me.

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