James McLain Poems

Hit Title Date Added
How Do I Say What Never Was Said

Can you see in your mind word's that you hear, but can't speak?
To think is to think to dream what you speak your mind is at time's deep in sleep.

Speaking out when you sleep, repeating the dream awake in the dark all might think.

Covid Has Entered Where I Live

I did not know it entered my home through him.

Hammered and nailed all I can do is wait.


Thus it is, be it the 'Queen'
and like kind is dawn, 'as it moves
each 'kind is King,
and of that time, 'which it dissolves.

Once Only You

Where once, not even twice
and thine are thus be stilled.
My hands, My heart, My love,
how they,

Springs Between Her Tulips

As for that pretty spring girl
it is or is it that pretty and young,
my mind
kind perhaps in this kind of season her winter

This Work Of Art

How is this work of art made?
So in so many few days,
and how deep the focus must be adjusted,
to each other the same challenge, whether,

Child Hood Issues

Hello, 'America, 'Sit and be seated,
'Child, 'riding in the hood, these issues.
We all have them, do we not?
and so what,


Thus it is, be it the 'Queen' early the bird
and like kind is the morning new dawn,
'as it moves us thus through the day
of hope is each 'kind is King,

Smile Philosophically

God Smiles Philosophically with Forgiveness
and said,
before I was born,
the first thing I would see

To Those Like Me And You Are

To those like me and you are,
Personal differences set aside.
Five minutes with you and the
River will flow it is true.

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