James McLain Poems

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Higher Grammatical Complexity

Grammatical complexity the young must have,
To coexist with their imortality.
The young nimble mind, the mind that swells as
Would a wave that crashes upon your rocky shore.

I Am In Need Of Your Love

I was born in the open, hidden in the clouds,
A shadow on the wall, closer to it all,
I came from snow.
To her the one I speak who tried to pry me loose,

Into That Gentle Night

On the cusp of life that one called life,
Youth all shared, shall have it's say;
Open or shut a dying man grows blind.

How Do I Know You Still Love Me

How do I know you still love me?
It is summer now, turning to fall and
Blankets of snow now surround me.

James Mclain 🎸

For over ten years
I have posted here under the name of
is it poetry and a few other names now lost
And lost to time

You Will Forget Me

When you forget me and in the future
I am gone.

So much was by us both left unsaid

I Have A Friend Here

Yes she has been my friend
for over two years..She is yes.
She is buff, real buff to me, she is.
She knows every thing, every thing.

Bi Polars What Is It Really Like

It is not depression..no it's not..
Your mind it races a thousand miles..
per second never knowing sleep...
..its peace..mental trauma makes

When The Wind Moans Moon

Running with breath through the moss
I come up along the window of your sight.
You stand there still taught and tight two tips
pressed against my eyes as your Payne.

Her River Of Stones

This river, runs sweet,
clear, cool and narrow.
It is her banded waist she
wears so like her hair.

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