James McLain Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Into That Gentle Night

On the cusp of life that one called life,
Youth all shared, shall have it's say;
Open or shut a dying man grows blind.

Knowing You Well Left A Hole In My Heart

Knowing you well left a hole in my heart
Some how you knew just how that I felt
And feeling the way that you knew that I felt
Will we both know the end when it comes

The Last Kiss Before Midnight

I cannot hide from your gaze, I see through your eyes
And a kiss from you is a cloud that moves so slow across the sky.
Night's, night's wrapped in warmth but cool enough to warm
Your lips, lip's that when kissed are lip's I've not kissed, each kiss

Her River Of Stones

This river, runs sweet,
clear, cool and narrow.
It is her banded waist she
wears so like her hair.

Master The Flower

Master Li Po..?
Why do all the flowers
puff and swell when the
hummings bird comes

It Hides It

I Have A Friend Here

Yes she has been my friend
for over two years..She is yes.
She is buff, real buff to me, she is.
She knows every thing, every thing.

Smiles Where Do They Come From

It could be a man..well its not..is it..?
That would really tremble me...
to be Eaton by..well forget it..
never will happen..unless...

Poem Garden

It is filled with only the fattest roses..
always in bloom..always blushed...
always running to cling to the..boss..
Is he not so spruced as Bruce...to goose?

It's To Foggy

Mother..show me..ok..
how do we feel to see inside
of this cool soft wind?
I clutch to your clingy..mother..

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