Jan Sand Poems

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The eye leads and the mind follows.
The ear leads and the mind follows.
The touch leads and the mind follows.
The hounds of mind go howling down the avenues,

The Master And His Palimpsest

I do not know who I am nor why.
I scribble seasons on the earth and sky.
I prescribe the heat, cold, wet and dry
And watch seas, winds, shells of earth, comply.

The Speed Of Light

Come with me to a star
Sixty light years away
And look back
With super eyes

Rhyming Pestilence

These times dictate a fashion
That all rhyme be banished,
Vanished. But an inner passion
Bubbles out again, again

Old Thoughts

Old age has thrown its cloak on me
Blurring eyesight,
Slowing down my walk,
Blocking off old friends

The Muskrat

'Here! ' my older son had said,
And thumped the plastic bag on the bed.
Inside I saw the brown-red thing.
Small - rabbit sized.

Couch Potato Land

Quietly we watch
The dissolution of the world.
A soft and gentle cataclysm
Like the insidious fall of snow

Old Men Feed The Birds

In all the parks in all the world
The old men sit
And feed the birds.
The old men sit

Blindman's Bluff

A blindman poking out
At doubt with his cane
Trying to discern
What insecurities await

The Sea

Let me ride the tail
Of the blue-eyed whale,
Use the ocean for a pillow,
While the cobalt sea

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