T J Morgan Poems

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Ponderings Of An Insomniac

Have you ever seen the irridescence of a moonbeam?
Or noticed the translucence of the clouds?
Heard the melancholic lament of the nightingale?
Or felt the softness of a moth's silver shrouds?

Seaside Legacy

Sitting on the sun warmed sand,
wriggling feet to form a dip.
Gazing out at distant land,
seagulls trail a ship.

The Goat That Cheated - My First Doggerel.

I showed my goat how to play chess
she was quite good, was not the best.
She ate the board and made a mess
and failed the Goatly challenge test.


Did your mother ever tell you what lives down the drains?
Pupaefying and rank, from other planes
Snortfesters and Endocrastic mucrosals
Wartaceous and slimerically challenged

Twisted Circle

Who gave you the power over me?
I wonder
when you look into my eyes, what do you see?
am I broken?

The Clock Tower

We decided long ago,
when you were free
and had more time,
we'd kick up our heels

The Bog At Faerie Glen

The twinklin and stinklin of the bog at Faerie Glen
lured many a trav'ller, every now and then.
Shuddering sands 'neath weary feet
suckin' and slurpin', there's no retreat.

The Taste Of Despair

Crushing melancholia enveloping me,
who put this heavy weight around my heart?
The familiar pit looms, inexpressible and grey.
Twisting immeasurably, painful and hard,

Twin Souls

You, my friend, my soul mate
complement me so truly.
I believe God did create
you, for me, so purely.

Dance Of The Night.

Twilight stains the mountain tops,
melting sun on yonder, drops.
Violet clouds turn mauve, then puce,
shadows fall from silver spruce.

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