Jenny Molloy Poems

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Never Forget You

A year has gone now, but not a day passes by when I don’t think of your old happy ways.
The endless story’s that mam used to tell, the ones that aren’t talked about now.
The laughs and jokes we try holding onto, the pain and tears we try letting go.
We remember the old friends that did appear, and the flowers that they did send.

My Alone Death!

Close my eyes,
Hold my breath,
I clear my mind.
Tiers flow down my face.

Last Night!

Tonight I kiss you,
Gently on the lips.
But when the morning wakes,
I shall sneak out!

Far Away Home

Home to me is a place far away,
A place were I can be happy.
Home is the feel of a strong summer breeze,
Wrapping around me.


Tomorrow I will take on the world,
I will have the energy to fight back.
I will stand up tall,
And say what I believe in.

I Hate You! ! !

I cant wait for the day I can leave,
Take of these chains that do surround me.
I cant wait to be free,
To fly like a bird,

Crash! ! !

The cold ground ageist my face,
I struggle to move.
My ears can heir crying,
My eye’s can only see pain.

Treasure Chest!

You can stop yourself crying,
Lock up all your pain.
Put it in the treasure chest,
Trough away the key.


I came home today,
Crying from them fools.
I don’t know why,
I still get upset.

I Miss It Al!

I don’t know if you can here me any more,
I don’t know what I would say to you any way.
I try falling to sleep but you’re the only thing on my mind,
Your pretty face and perfect smile.

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