Jerry Abrahamson Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Staying In The Background

I really love it
When the relitives
Want to push you around
And make you stay in the background

Stop And Think

Why don't people
Stop and think
About where I'm getting
THe ideas to write down

What To Write About

Where do people think that
I'm getting my ideas
About what to write about
And how to say it

Is This The Only Way

Is this the only way
That you will be happy
Is that you run down everybody
And just talk about yourselves

Superbowl Sunday

Superbowl Sunday is very different
From every other Sunday
It is a day where you start out slow
And work your way up from there

Having To Watch Everything

Isn't it the way it is
That you have to watch everything
And don't dare to
Take your eyes off

Whatever Works

Sometimes we have to
Do whatever works
For the situation at hand
And the time that it happens

Letting Our Emotions Go

There are a lot of people
Who have a hard time
At letting their emptions go
And that's a little sad

Picture Frames

I think that
One of the best things
That my dad did
Was to make picture frames

Building Things

One of the things
That a farmer learns to do
Is to build things
And my dad was very good at it

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