Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Poems

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My Goddess

SAY, which Immortal
Merits the highest reward?
With none contend I,
But I will give it


Once through the forest
Alone I went;
To seek for nothin


WITH many a thousand kiss not yet content,
At length with One kiss I was forced to go;
After that bitter parting's depth of woe,
I deem'd the shore from which my steps I bent,

Such, Such Is He Who Pleaseth Me

FLY, dearest, fly! He is not nigh!

He who found thee one fair morn in Spring

The Faithless Boy

THERE was a wooer blithe and gay,

A son of France was he,-
Who in his arms for many a day,

Genial Impulse

THUS roll I, never taking ease,
My tub, like Saint Diogenes,
Now serious am, now seek to please;
Now love and hate in turn one sees;

Coptic Song

LEAVE we the pedants to quarrel and strive,

Rigid and cautious the teachers to be!
All of the wisest men e'er seen alive

By The River Ii

WHEN by the broad stream thou dost dwell,

Oft shallow is its sluggish flood;
Then, when thy fields thou tendest well,

The Buyers

To an apple-woman's stall

Once some children nimbly ran;
Longing much to purchase all,

The Consecrated Spot

WHEN in the dance of the Nymphs, in the moonlight so holy assembled,
Mingle the Graces, down from Olympus in secret descending,
Here doth the minstrel hide, and list to their numbers enthralling,
Here doth he watch their silent dances' mysterious measure.

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