John Knight Poems

Hit Title Date Added
*600 A Letter From God

How much I love and care for you
I watched over you all through today
And all the day before too

Harp Of Gold

Almost Heaven a solo harp al fresco!
Britten and Handel and Hildreth the Clocks,
Timperley's Clock Museum in Colchester.
Lucy Waterford harpiste extraordinaire,

*904 My Sleeping Children

This poem is dedicated to all Parents and Potential Parents. It is written as 'Blank Verse' in pseudo Sonnet Form. Forteen lines - each an iambic hexameter (12 syllables to each line) divided into Eight Lines of statement - and an aswering Six Lines. There is no RHYME.

All Ladies are not priviledged to be Mothers
All Men are not chosen to be Fathers.

*910 Touch Me Tenderly

You touch my finger tips and my heart is a glow
Your lips caress my lips - and makes our love flow.
Touch is a wonderful outpouring of love
Like the rest of our senses a gift from above.

Cerebral Love

This poem is dedicated to Olfa Drid - who explores the beauty of Intellectual Love in many of her Poems.

*808 Garnet Birthstone Of January

The garnet is a complicated and lesser known gemstone. There is a Family of Garnets (seven major classifications) and they are all very hard glassy silicates. They contain a variety of metals and have a wide colour range from black to colourless. Some rare forms of Garnet are more valuable than diamonds.

Garnet - crystal structure rhombic
Deep red - orange - yellow - purple

Because I Love You

Because the sky is blue
I think of you. I think of you
Because the sky is blue.

*630 Bread Of Heaven

A loaf of bread - my good friend said
Is what we chiefly need
A glass of wine a wedge of cheese
Is very good indeed

Thank You For Being An Angel

Thank you for being an Angel
That's what the lady had said
Her carrier had split and her fruit and her veg
Had all on the pavement been shed!

*911 Pray For Haiti And The Haitians

On 12 January 2010 a 7.0 force earthquake struck 16 miles offshore from Port-au-Prince demolishing the capital and killing many thousands of its citzens. Haiti occupies the western third of Hispanola a Carribean Island 45 miles east of Cuba. The population is just in excess of 10 million and about 3 million Hatians live abroad. It is a poor country and many of its citizens have poor health including TB and Aids. It is nominally Christian (80% Catholic) and about 50% of the population practise Hatian Vodu. What can we do? We can give generously now and during the year. If we have specialist skills we can join teams being sent out by our Governments. We can also pray Individually and Collectively for our beloved 'Brothers & Sister' in Haiti. It's up to you - but please do something.

Pray for Haiti and the Haitians
That GOD will hear their cries and prayers

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