John Milton Poems

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Paradise Lost: Book 05

Now Morn, her rosy steps in the eastern clime
Advancing, sowed the earth with orient pearl,
When Adam waked, so customed; for his sleep
Was aery-light, from pure digestion bred,

The Passion


Erewhile of music, and ethereal mirth,
Wherewith the stage of Air and Earth did ring,

Paradise Regained: The Fourth Book

Perplexed and troubled at his bad success
The Tempter stood, nor had what to reply,
Discovered in his fraud, thrown from his hope
So oft, and the persuasive rhetoric

On The University Carrier

Who sickened in the time of his Vacancy, being forbid to go to London by reason of the Plague.

Here lies old Hobson. Death hath broke his girt,

Sonnet 12

XII. On the same.

I did but prompt the age to quit their cloggs
By the known rules of antient libertie,

Psalm 02

Done Aug. 8. 1653. Terzetti.

Why do the Gentiles tumult, and the Nations

Paradise Lost: Book 06

All night the dreadless Angel, unpursued,
Through Heaven's wide champain held his way; till Morn,
Waked by the circling Hours, with rosy hand
Unbarred the gates of light. There is a cave

When The Assault Was Intended To The City

Captain, or colonel, or knight in arms,
Whose chance on these defenceless doors may seize,
If deed of honour did thee ever please,
Guard them, and him within protect from harms.

Sonnet 19


When I consider how my light is spent,
Ere half my days, in this dark world and wide,

To A Virtuous Young Lady

Lady! that in the prime of earliest youth
Wisely hast shunned the broad way and the green,
And with those few art eminently seen,
That labour up the Hill of Heavenly Truth,

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