John Newton Poems

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Cain And Abel

When Adam fell he quickly lost
God's image, which he once possessed:
See All our nature since could boast

Father Forgive Them

Father, forgive (the Saviour said)
They know not what they do:
His heart was moved when thus he prayed
For me, my friends, and you.


Mercy, O thou Son of David!
Thus blind Bartimaeus prayed;
Others by thy word are saved,
Now to me afford thine aid:


On man, in his own image made,
How much did GOD bestow?
The whole creation homage paid,
And owned him LORD, below!

The Good Samaritan

How kind the good Samaritan
To him who fell among the thieves!
Thus Jesus pities fallen man,
And heals the wounds the soul receives.

The Good Physician

How lost was my condition
Till Jesus made me whole!
There is but one Physician
Can cure a sin-sick soul.

Ask What I Shall Give Thee (Ii)

If Solomon for wisdom prayed,
The Lord before had made him wise;
Else he another choice had made,
And asked for what the worldlings prize.

The Inward Warfare

Strange and mysterious is my life,
What opposites I feel within!
A stable peace, a constant strife,
The rule of grace, the pow'r of sin:

Martha And Mary

Martha her love and joy expressed
By care to entertain her guest;
While Mary sat to hear her Lord,
And could not bear to lose a word.

Ask What I Shall Give Thee (Iii)

Behold the throne of grace!
The promise calls me near;
There Jesus shows a smiling face,
And waits to answer prayer.

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