John Newton Poems

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Salvation Drawing Nearer

Darkness overspreads us here,
But the night wears fast away;
Jacob's star will soon appear,
Leading on eternal day!

The Creatures In The Lord's Hands

The water stood like walls of brass,
To let the sons of Israel pass;
And from the rock in rivers burst
At Moses' prayer to quench their thirst.

The Power And Triumph Of Faith

Supported by the word,
Though in himself a worm,
The servant of the Lord
Can wondrous acts perform:

The Lord's Call To His Children

Let us adore the grace that seeks
To draw our hearts above!
Attend, 'tis God the Saviour speaks,
And every word is love.

Time How Swift

While with ceaseless course the sun
Hasted through the former year,
Many souls their race have run,
Never more to meet us here;

The Foolish Virgins

When descending from the sky
The Bridegroom shall appear;
And the solemn midnight cry,
Shall call professors near:

The Wheat And Tares

Though in the outward church below
The wheat and tares together grow;
Jesus ere long will weed the crop,
And pluck the tares, in anger, up.

The Woman Of Samaria

Jesus, to what didst thou submit
To save thy dear-bought flock from hell!
Like a pour trav'ller see him sit,
Athirst, and weary, by the well.

Looking Unto Jesus

By various maxims, forms and rules,
That pass for wisdom in the schools,
I strove my passion to restrain;
But all my efforts proved in vain.

The Borrowed Axe

The prophets sons, in time of old,
Though to appearance poor;
Were rich without possessing gold,
And honoured, though obscure.

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