john raymond Poems

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Pridefully Humble

The world asks for oil & gold
I ask for God to be loyal & hold me
They ask for bull market wealth
I ask for full standing health

The Inner Struggle

I pray daily for God's will in my life
I read his word as I try to live
I ask God for health & a soul mate daily
Each day nothing happens so he says no?

Birth Of An Idea

God's word do i read
God's word dose it lead me
I praise God in the morning in the evening
I thank God in the morning in the evening

Vanquish Your Demon

to be cold or hot
to have the shakes and quacks
to feel a need that one dose not need
to cry and weep violently

Cage Of Fear

what life when taking for granted
is it a ride that has its bumps
or is it jest long hard journey we all must take
yet test to prove your wroth

God's Word

the day will come thy kingdom come
When people all over will call out my name.
Some will stand many shale full before me.
They the shapers that walk into dust.

Am I Rejecting God?

You ask God how do I serve
He asks: Who do I trust
Trust in Me the Lord your God
I pray these words over & over

Un Dying Thirst

DRIP dropp is all i hear
water i can not reach
for my throat is dry
i can not speak a word

Can God Change Hearts

How much do I really want God?
Do I desire Him enough to lose all things?
Whoever finds his life will lose it,
Whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.

The Flood Of The Spirit

There is a dam in my heart swelling in me
The water pressure is high overflowing in fact
The walls are going to cave in their cracking
I hope & pray it brakes open on all around me

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