Jolanta Gradowicz Poems

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Just Remember Me

Keep me in your mind. Remember me.
Don’t erase those wonderful whiles.
Just don’t forget me so easily,
Try to recall the old, lovely times…

The Truth

I want you to feed me with lies.
I don’t want to wake up to know
The only Truth – I am not wise,
I lost my prudence years ago…

The Last While

It will come some day or night,
And stop all clocks in your room
Even if you don’t invite
The last second to come soon.

I’m Selling Dreams

Ladies and gentlemen from the city!
I have a special proposal for you.
You mustn’t miss the opportunity -
Today I am selling dreams that come true!


Follow me today and ever.
Keep to my rules and ways.
Don’t let me ask you. Be clever!
I’ll offer you the happiest days...

Thank You For Your Being

Thank you for your being
Close to me every day,
For the joy and smile you bring -
It’s everything I can say…

If I Didn’t Manage To Do It

If I didn’t manage to say it to you
Or if I didn’t have any chance to do it,
Know that my love was great, and crazy, and true
Though the truth may disconcert you a bit…

My Lips Hurt Not Being Kissed

I remain silent though my heart is weeping.
I exist - impassively and automatically.
I’m a machine – indifferent, hardly functioning.
Yet I breathe. It can’t be true. It can’t be possible.


I don’t know what I’m waiting for.
It's difficult to name the longing.
I have it at heart - it's my sorrow,
It's my pain - piercing and burning.

Fire (To Linda)

I can’t extinguish the fire in my heart.
Its flames reach the deepest corners of my mind.
It burns every thought and makes me deaf and blind,
It spreads with wild intensity – it’s so smart…

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