Jonathan Maldonado Poems

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What Is Happiness

Smile for me, show me what its like.
That sweet expression once came with ease.
Laugh for me, tell me how it feels.
That joyous noise I knew so well.

'Mujer De La Soledad'

Mujer de la soledad
mil cariños quieres dar,
sin nadie para devolverlos.
Mil secretos para compartir,

'A Vow'

Beloved pen I cling to you,
a harmonious dance, a divine unity.
Paper bare witness,
a marriage that knows no divorce.


I'm addicted, conflicted with these
a compulsive disorder, I can't seem to rehab it.
A disease of the mind wages war with the soul.

Silly Rabbit

I wrestle with my minds eye looking for rest
But I get lost in the rubble of Its treasure chest
I await the time I count the ticks
Measuring the moments in between your lips

Reality Check

 I need space just enough to rest my case
To flee the world that burdens me
Holds me down with gravity
The barless cage adds to my insanity

The Beast

This flesh is against me.
I saw today as I wondered at a man
On the edge, about to jump;
I wondered what drove him there?

What Would Be

What would be life if it weren't for death,
somethings are never one without the other.
What would be spring without the fall,
A bloom that serves all must pay the price.

'I Miss You'

I miss you, you that care free soul.
You, full of love to give whom ever came into your presence.
I miss you, you who knew you and all you were and all your worth.
You, who was happy with what was had never dwelling on what was to come.

'Rebel Expression'

Give me freedom or give me death!
Instead they give a life of debt and call the dream American.
Send us off to give our lives to greater costs feeding us a bullshit cause promotes a sense of justice.
No man goes to war and dies unsure if they are right.

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